midwifery care


What i offer

  • midwifery care with a heart centered, evidence-based approach to pregnancy, labor, and postpartum care.

  • safe, open space for discussion, learning and self-led health.

  • care that reflects the belief that pregnancy and birth are a normal physiological process.

  • support for pregnant people and their families in their choice for a safe community based birth at home.

  • comprehensive care during pregnancy, childbirth, breast/chest feeding and new family education.

  • routine prenatal care & home births to low-risk pregnant people and families on the south west side of the Big Island (from Kawaihae to Honaunau).

  • up-to-date, evidence-based approach to midwifery within a framework of accountability, integrity, and research.

  • holistic care based in love, knowledge, experience, and open communication.

  • willingness to discuss difficult topics with kindness and without judgment.

  • commitment to empowering clients to understand all their decisions related to their pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care...



free 45-60 minute initial consultation at our office in Holualoa. this visit is a great opportunity to see if Banyan Birth LLC is a good fit for you and that your health status is a good fit for home birth. please plan to include your partner or a support person & read through the website before your visit. Banyan Birth LLC welcomes and encourages questions at every appointment.


a midwife is on call 24 hours a day to manage and answer your questions regarding early labor and to help determine when it is appropriate for the midwife to come to your home. your midwife will aim to arrive at your home when you are in active labor. natural comfort measures will be offered including; aquatherapy, homeopathy, acupressure, emotional support and sometimes Arvigo Techniques to help fetal positioning or contraction patterns. medical consultation and transfer of care to the delivering provider at the hospital will be available as needed. if a transfer of care occurs, the midwife will accompany you to the hospital and help facilitate a smooth transition of care to the hospital staff. your midwife will offer continued emotional support while at the hospital as discussed prenatally and as hospital Covid-19 protocols allow.

more than 25 studies have shown that birth at home with a trained birth attendant is a safe option for low-risk, healthy clients and their babies. you can find links to the most recent here.


the Banyan Birth LLC team loves waterbirth! submersion in water can provide great pain relief in active labor. for the baby, waterbirth can be a more gentle entry into the world. waterbirth is a very low waste birth option, which, when used also achieves the same reduction in disposable waste and the water can sometimes then be recycled onto your garden, both watering and fertilizing! 


midwifery care can start as early as a missed period or positive pregnancy test and includes routine prenatal care every month until your 28th week of pregnancy. at that time, your appointment schedule will change to every 2 weeks until 36 weeks when you will start being seen weekly until your baby is born. prenatal visits typically last 60+ minutes, providing time for routine care, for you and your midwife to establish a relationship, and for you and your family to voice any questions for discussion.

care will include obtaining and discussing medical, family, psycho-social and obstetrical-gynecological histories along with physical examination, fetal monitoring, and laboratory testing as appropriate. a licensed midwife is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for urgent concerns and visits. 


a full newborn exam is part of your immediate postpartum care, after your birth, before your midwife team leaves your home. we weigh and measure your baby, and provide the same physical exam you would receive in the hospital, except usually on the bed next to you while you eat a nourishing meal. we provide in-home postpartum visits typically at days 1 and 3; assessing parental and newborn health with full physical exams, jaundice check, weight check, metabolic screening, critical congenital heart defect screening, newborn hearing screening, lactation support, and pediatric craniosacral therapy as needed. your visits then resume in the office at week 1, 2, 4 and for your final visit at 6- 8 weeks. Pap smears and other laboratory testing will be offered as appropriate at the final postpartum visit. a midwife is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for urgent concerns.




we acknowledge current financial challenges and health inequities in our community and are committed to providing access to quality, safe, affordable maternity care, while still valuing our time, energy, cost of providing care, and commitment to our clients. because of this deep-rooted belief, we offer a sliding scale option for those in financial need & are open to bartering for a portion of the service fee. our regular global maternity fee is $6500- $7500 and includes prenatal, labor, and postpartum care (lab fees & ultrasounds are not included but are typically covered by insurance policies). Arvigo sessions/ Mayan massage & neurofeedback sessions are offered at a steep discount for prenatal and postpartum clients of Banyan Birth LLC and sessions can be added to routine visits. we can discuss sliding scale & payment plan options more in depth at the consultation visit.
